Sunday, December 16, 2012

Books I have read in 2012

I just discovered how wonderful it feels to revisit the books I've read this year, by simply listing them out. Preparing such a list might even tempt you to take out a book from the shelf, and look up favourite passages, if you have marked them. I ended up with a fine cerebral and sensory buzz for a couple of hours!

The cat's table. 
The song of Achilles. Otter country. Hamlet. The golden mean. Tiger. 
Light years.
The long legged house. 
A private history of awe. 
Earth works. 
The lady and the monk. 
A patch made in heaven. 
Mrs Dalloway. 
Tell me true. 
Bird sense. 
Birdwatching with your eyes closed. 
Best of Munro. 
Goodbye to all that. 
Dr Rosenbach and Mr Lilly. 
Stop what you're doing and read this. 
The life in the skies. 
The lost art of reading. 
To the lighthouse. 
Tell me true. 
Winston's war. 
Charterhouse of Parma. Unfinished. 

Tolstoy and the purple chair. 

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